
django-stored-messages includes Django migrations since version 1.4.0. Because you may use this package since previous versions, it’s a good idea following the suggestions below to keep your database in sync with latest changes. Remember to follow these steps only if you’re using an earlier django-stored-messages version and you’ve already executed your own migrations.

Migrate from 1.3.x to 1.4.0

Version 1.3.x already has models and changes of 1.4.0. For this reason, all migrations should be faked.

  • update django-stored-messages to version 1.4.0 (remember to check the compatibility table)

  • from your project root folder, run:

    $ python manage.py migrate stored_messages 0002 --fake

Migrate from 1.2.0 (or earlier) to 1.4.0

Version 1.2.0. (or earlier) has all models except the url field introduced in the Message model. For this reason the initial migration should be faked, while the second should be executed.

  • update django-stored-messages to version 1.4.0 (remember to check the compatibility table)

  • from your project root folder, run:

    $ python manage.py migrate stored_messages 0001 --fake
  • as last step, launch the missing migration:

    $ python manage.py migrate stored_messages