Source code for stored_messages.backends.base

[docs]class StoredMessagesBackend(object): """ """
[docs] def create_message(self, level, msg_text, extra_tags, date=None): """ Create and return a `Message` instance. Instance types depend on backends implementation. Params: `level`: message level (see django.contrib.messages) `msg_text`: what you think it is `extra_tags`: see django.contrib.messages `date`: a DateTime (optional) Return: `Message` instance """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def inbox_list(self, user): """ Retrieve all the messages in `user`'s Inbox. Params: `user`: Django User instance Return: An iterable containing `Message` instances """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def inbox_purge(self, user): """ Delete all the messages in `user`'s Inbox. Params: user: Django User instance Return: None """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def inbox_store(self, users, msg_instance): """ Store a `Message` instance in the inbox for a list of users. Params: users: a list or iterable containing Django User instances msg_instance: Message instance to persist in inbox Return: None Raise: MessageTypeNotSupported if `msg_instance` cannot be managed by current backend """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def inbox_delete(self, user, msg_id): """ Remove a `Message` instance from `user`'s inbox. Params: user: Django User instance msg_id: Message identifier Return: None Raise: MessageDoesNotExist if msg_id was not found """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def inbox_get(self, user, msg_id): """ Retrieve a `Message` instance from `user`'s inbox. Params: user: Django User instance msg_id: Message identifier Return: A `Message` instance Raise: MessageDoesNotExist if msg_id was not found """
[docs] def archive_store(self, users, msg_instance): """ Store a `Message` instance in the archive for a list of users. Params: users: a list or iterable containing Django User instances msg_instance: Message instance to persist in archive Return: None Raise: MessageTypeNotSupported if `msg_instance` cannot be managed by current backend """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def archive_list(self, user): """ Retrieve all the messages in `user`'s archive. Params: user: Django User instance Return: An iterable containing `Message` instances """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def can_handle(self, msg_instance): """ Determine if this backend can handle messages of the same type of `msg_instance`. Params: `msg_instance`: `Message` instance Return: True if type is correct, False otherwise """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def expired_messages_cleanup(self): """ Remove messages that have been expired. Params: None Return: None """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _flush(self): """ Clear all backend data. Warning: heavily destructive! Here for convenience, not used by the API anyway. Params: None Return: None """ raise NotImplementedError()